


HArmonyCa 美神針是全球醫美領導廠商 Allergan Aesthetics 旗下的最新膠原產品,能3重還原初生緊緻1,2,7,獲歐盟CE認證。利用嶄新科技糅合兩大肌膚關鍵元素 CaHA8 及透明質酸8,高端結合雙效優點,以獨特「C-shape拉提」打法,帶來即時可見而愈漸緊緻的效果。

3 重還原初生緊緻

  • 即時飽滿豐盈
  • 填補凹陷位置
  • 減淡皺紋

  • 刺激纖維母細胞
  • 促進膠原蛋白自我增生及重組
  • 增厚真皮層

  • 全面緊緻提升
  • 重塑立體輪廓
  • 持續長效拉提

HArmonyCa 雙效組合

  • 透過刺激纖維母細胞,促進膠原蛋白自我再生9,11-13
  • 新生膠原令真皮層增厚,從而改善肌膚結構並緊緻肌膚,帶來漸進而持久的拉提效果13,14
  • 完全可與身體相容和被分解11
  • 肌膚細胞外基質的結構成分15,16
  • 結合透明質酸的彈性和凝聚力來達致拉提肌膚的效果17,18
  • 安全耐受性良好15

HArmonyCa 作用機制


HArmonyCa 持續可見的拉提效果

91.6%用家見證 改善效果23-25
用家滿意度高 持續達19個月24,25,#




* Results from a pre-clinical animal study of HArmonyCa with results demonstrated over 12 weeks.
+Results from a pre-clinical animal study of HArmonyCa with results demonstrated over 8 weeks.
^ Extracellular matrix components such as proteoglycans and elastin.
‘Results derived from an animal model study comparing fillers.
‘’ Based on results from in vitro testing.
#Performance evaluation using the 5-point Likert Scale User Satisfaction Questionnaire.
1. Allergan Aesthetics. Data on File. HArmonyCa Lidocaine INT-HAR-2150036. Lift capacity. July 2021
2. Allergan Aesthetics. Data on File. HArmonyCa Lidocaine INT-HAR-2150040. Collagen stimulation. July 2021
3. Tortora G, Derrickson B. The Integumentary System. In: Principles of Anatomy and Physiology (15th ed). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons Inc.; 2012. Chapter 5. p144–170. ISBN 13 978-0470-56510-0, ISBN 13 978-0470-91777-0
4. Weller RB et al. Skin Reactions to Light. In: Clinical Dermatology (5th ed). Oxford: Blackwell Science; 2015. Chapter 18. p258–266. ISBN 978-0-470-65952-6
5. Reilly DM, Lozano J. Plast Aesthet Res. 2021;8:2
6. McGrath JA and Lai-Cheong JE. Skin and its appendages. In: Standring S et al. (eds.) Gray’s Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice (41st ed). Elsevier; 2016. Chapter 7. p141–161. ISBN 978-07020-5230-9.
7. Allergan Aesthetics. Data on File. HArmonyCa Lidocaine. Clinical Study Report. July 2022
8. HArmonyCa IFU. 73960EU10. M049 V01. Revision December 2021
9. Zerbinati N, Calligaro A. Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 2018;11:29–35
10. Gonzalez N, Goldberg. J. Dermatol Surg. 2019;45:547–551
11. Segal T et al. 2014 – Post marketing study of safety and efficacy of Crystalys, a calcium hydroxyapatite based filler for facial soft tissue augmentation. Available at: https://www.kosmetischemedizin-online.de/uebersichtsarbeit/post-marketingstudie-zur-sicherheit-und-wirksamkeit-von-crystalys-einem-auf-calciumhydroxyapatit-basierenden-filler-fuer-die-weichteilaugmentation-im-gesicht/. Accessed July 2021;
12. Berlin A et al. Dermatol Surg. 2008;34(1 Suppl):S64–67
13. Gonzaga da Cunha M et al.Surg Cosmet Dermatol. 2020;12:109–117.
14. The clinical effects of CaHA can last 1–3 years.
15. Park S et al. Ann Dermatol. 2014;26:357–362
16. Wigley CB. Integrating cells into tissues. In: Standring S et al. (eds.) Gray’s Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice (41st ed). Elsevier; 2016. Chapter 2. p28–41. ISBN 978-07020-5230-9
17. Borell M, et al. J Cosmet Laser Ther 2011;13:21–27
18. Hee C, et al. Dermatol Surg. 2015; 41:S373–381
19. De Boulle K et al. Dermatologic Surgery. 2018;44(11):1437–1448
20. Prendergast PM. Anatomy of the Face and Neck. In: Shiffman MA, Di Giuseppe A. (eds.) Cosmetic Surgery: Art and Techniques. Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 2013. Chapter 2. p29–45. ISBN 978-3-6422-1836-1
21. Wulc AE et al. The Anatomic Basis of Midfacial Aging. In: Hartstein ME et al (eds.) Midfacial Rejuvenation. New York: Springer-Verlag; 2012. Chapter 2. p15–28. ISBN 978-1-4614-1006-5
22. Casabona G et al. Calcium hydroxylapatite microspheres provide organization into unorganized collagen networks leading to improvement of skin attractiveness. E-Poster Presentation. International Master Course on Aging Science (IMCAS) World Congress. 2020. 30 January–01 February; Paris, France.
23. Performance evaluation using the Global Aesthetic Improvement Scale.
24. Allergan Aesthetics. Data on File. INT-HAR-2150007. HArmonyCa Lidocaine. Clinical Study Report. March 2021.
25. A post-marketing clinical follow-up of safety and performance of HArmonyCa (N=162).